Why Healthy Eating Matters
In today’s environment, eating healthy matters more than ever.
Our natural bodies are a product of centuries of the earth’s former pristine environment. Now, however, more and more we live in a man made, manipulated, and polluted planet.
In today’s environment, eating healthy matters more than ever. Unless real knowledge and understanding about how to survive and thrive in cooperation with the earth’s natural rhythms and systems is developed and practiced immediately, we may find our environment irreversibly damaged. The signs of systemic breakdown are everywhere.
If and when we reach a point of no return, there will be nowhere to hide from the effects. Every living organism will be affected. Even now environmental stress is manifesting throughout these systems. This is not conjecture, but is based on alarming observations by the scientific community.
What We Are Facing
The Big Food, chemical, nuclear, farming, and military industries as well as governments and financial institutions are all participants in this assault on the natural order of things.
In fact, our whole corporate, plastic society is creating havoc within and stresses upon every organic and natural system on earth.
We over fish, pollute our oceans and water supplies, releasing all types of radiation, pesticides and chemicals into our living space. We attempt to geo engineer everything we touch, from the atmosphere above to the land below. It is one thing to manage the environment, but quite another to destroy it.
We over fish, pollute our oceans and water supplies, releasing all types of radiation, pesticides and chemicals into our living space.
Until we come to grips with corporate greed and profits at the cost of nature and natural organisms, we will continue our decline into an environmental holocaust.
Is technology bad? No. But how we use it, or abuse it creates the problems. Consider garbage. In times past, human garbage was made up of organic materials, which were very degradable. Wood, cardboard, paper and even tin cans in the last century would eventually breakdown and return to a natural state.
Then came plastics, which do not break down. Most plastic lasts and lasts and is now being found everywhere, creating countless problems and terminal threats to many animal species. We are now discovering traces of the chemicals in these products in our newborn babies.
Then and Now
Consider what it was like in times past.
There were no petrochemicals or pesticides. The ground was full of minerals and microbes. Grasses, flowers, trees were abundant. All types of invertebrates, insects, animals and birds from the smallest to the largest co-existed across the land. There was an incredibly diverse natural eco system in place. For millennium, man cultivated the land using only what was available to him. Organic fertilizers were used. If water was not abundant, he provided irrigation systems. Great civilizations flourished and thrived. Cultivation made it all possible.
Now bees suffer from a serious problem called “Colony Collapse Disorder”
Fast forward to the 20th century. Corporate farming began and slowly took over. The ground was stripped of its life-giving organism by sterilizing petrochemicals. Pesticides were sprayed by the tons, killing bad and good inserts. Bees now had to be trucked around to pollinate the crops. Now bees suffer from a serious problem called “Colony Collapse Disorder” which involves a recent phenomenon in which up to one third of existing bee colonies are failing. This is due to the mysterious disappearance of almost all the adult bees, leaving behind a healthy queen, as well as the young. A recent Harvard study supports the theory that the underlying cause of this threat to bees is pesticides used on crops.
This is just one example of thousands of instances where the natural order of Planet Earth is being seriously disrupted and falling out of sync.
The watershed is spilling all these industrial farm chemicals and pollutants into the streams, rivers and finally into the oceans. Resulting algae blooms are causing massive fish die offs. Large quantities of methane gas are being released, causing problems in the ocean and atmosphere. The entire planetary eco-system would seem to be at risk.
Of course this is a very simplistic overview and what is happening is even more complicated and therefore potentially even more disastrous than illustrated here.
How Do We Protect Ourselves?
Our natural bodies are an amazing organic machine.
Given the right nutrition, exercise, and stress free environment, it is able to protect and heal itself. With careful planning and a little consistent effort, it is entirely possible to live extremely healthy lives and even thrive today during these difficult times.
Even in ancient times the human body had to protect and heal itself from constant natural and man-made threats, attacks and injuries, both internal and external. This hasn’t changed, but today the body’s natural defenses, our immune system, has been dramatically weakened due to lack of nutrients and necessary minerals.
Doctors don’t heal, the body heals.
Remember, Doctors don’t heal, the body heals. The medical industry, and make no mistake, it is an industry, merely attempts to provide the environment for this process.
Our current medical field is a relatively new phenomenon. For most of human history, holistic medicine using plants and herbs was the norm. It wasn’t until the drug cartels began introducing their synthetic creations into the medical field in the early 1900’s that it began to evolve into what exists today.
It is worthy of mentioning here that our bodies do not metabolize synthetic compounds either easily or effectively. They generally simply pass through the system, frequently damaging it in the process. Just read the side effects of any pharmaceutical. Those side effects are the body’s way of telling us it cannot properly process those synthetic compounds!
Hopefully, in the years ahead we will all look back at all the chemicals we ingested into our own human bodies and say, “What were we thinking?” There are more and more of us who are asking this exact question, here and now!
It is imperative that we give our natural systems the ability to defend themselves. We need to rethink how we eat and not be seduced by slick advertising to buy the “Quick and Easy” style foods. Most, if not all, processed foods are dangerous, now that GMOs, and other man-made ingredients permeate them.
… we all desire, to be healthy and be able to enjoy life to the fullest …
Switching to “organic” or local farmers’ markets produce, will go a long way to insure a healthy life. At the same time, you will be sending a message to the local grocery store that you want real or “live” foods. Many large food chains are slowly getting the message and are offering more and more organics, or at the very least, “natural” food stuffs.
Cooking, and processing these foods takes a little more work, but can be fun in the process and extremely beneficial to your health and well-being. If your body is working properly, not being starved for vital nutrients, your sense of well-being with also be greatly enhanced.
And isn’t that what we all desire, to be healthy and be able to enjoy life to the fullest? I know I do.
If you feel the same way, if you are here reading this because you’re looking for a better, healthier lifestyle, then you’ve come to the right place. Join us now and embark on a journey into a better, healthier and incredibly self-gratifying lifestyle; one where you feel better, look better, live better and live longer than you ever imagined possible.
You are going to learn not only why eating healthy matters, but how it vastly improves your sense of self-worth and well-being, your outlook on life, your health and the health of your loved ones.
And perhaps most amazingly of all, you’re going to quickly discover that the journey itself, the process of learning to eat healthier, is actually enlightening, enjoyable and even fun. You’re also going to learn that healthy food, properly prepared, tastes better than anything you’ve eaten before.
Why does eating healthy matter? Because it is the best way to a leaner, healthier, stronger, happier and better you.
In a world gone mad you are about to join the sane. Welcome!